I’m new. What should I expect on Sunday?
Worshiping at St. John’s is relaxed and welcoming. Come a few minutes early and park in the lot next to the church or on the street.
Wear what's comfortable – some will be in dresses and suits, most will be more casual, especially in the summer, some might be in shorts and tees.
When you enter, take a worship bulletin and any music and reading inserts offered by the usher or from the Welcome Table. You may sit in any pew.
Our liturgy (form of the service), from the Book of Common Prayer, is printed the bulletin or found in the red prayer book in the pew rack. The four bible readings heard during the service are either printed in the bulletin or provided as a separate insert. You do not need to bring your own bible.
Hymns are noted on the hymn board at the front of the church. Most hymns are found in the blue hymnal in the pew racks, but some are in the green hymnal supplement called Wonder, Love and Praise, found at the end of the pews. Hymn numbers preceded by the letter “S” (service music) are found at the beginning of the blue hymnal. Please join in singing.
Bible readings assigned for each day may be found in the Revised Common Lectionary (proscribed readings used by the Episcopal and other churches) and a sermon or meditation based on the readings is offered during the service.
When we hear the word of God, we believe that we can be transformed, inspired and strengthened in much the same way that receiving the sacrament transformed, inspires and strengthens us.
Everyone may come to the altar rail for communion or a blessing regardless of age, denomination, sexual/gender identity or marital/divorce status.
To receive communion, approach with your row. You may kneel or stand at the rail as you are comfortable. Hold out your right hand over your left. The priest will place a consecrated wafer in your hand.
We offer wine, but understand that you may choose not to drink from the common cup, and that is fine. If you do not wish to partake of the cup, cross your arms, putting your hands on opposite shoulders so the chalice bearer will know. Please note that for sanitary reasons, there is no dipping of the wafer into the wine. Whether you choose to take the wine or not, please remain in place until after the chalice has passed by you to maintain order.
For a blessing, approach the rail with your row. Cross your arms over your chest with a hand on each shoulder. This will tell the priest to offer a blessing. Please remain in place at the altar rail until the chalice has passed you.
Our services are followed by Coffee Hour in our Parish House across the street from the church or in the churchyard, weather permitting. We encourage all visitors to join us for refreshments and to get to know each other.
Children are welcome at our services, and we don't mind if they're fretful or fussy. There are crayons and table activities available in the back of the church. Sunday School and Nursery Care will be available for children in the fall. If you are interested, please speak with Rev. Stephen.
People try new (or first) churches for a lot of very important reasons. Some are searching for meaning, for hope, for support, for a fresh start. Whatever your reasons, we hope St. John’s is a place that feels right to you and that this will become your new church home. We’re glad you’re here.