How does St. John’s serve God and the greater good?
We believe Jesus is the character of God and that character is Love. Love for all people, races, nations and all creation. We work together to advocate and serve the brokenness in the world. We try to walk the walk the way Jesus did. You would be a great addition to the team. Join us in this work.
In our community:
We support #BLM Black Lives Matter, and advocate for the rights of our LGBTQIA+ friends, family and members. We respect and support our friends from other faith traditions including our Jewish and Muslim neighbors.
This year, St. John's had a booth at both the Yonkers Pride Festival and the Tuckahoe Pride Festival where we were able to share God's radical love with many who have not heard this message from the Christian community before.
Our Food Love Ministry supports the ECAP food pantry with an ongoing food collection. We provide toys at Christmas to families in need. We support Rural and Migrant Ministry and The Daughters of Sarah and their many programs for the families of New York State farm workers and other rural residents in need. And St. John’s is an advocate for the environment.
We have provided funding for various causes including a youth theater program, tornado victims, the God's Child Program, and a summer camp program, the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, Everytown for Gun Safety, Ukranians affected by war, and more.
We steward a Little Free Library where you can “take a book or leave a book” any time. Our library is located Bradford Boulevard, at the side of our Parish House building.
We support several 12-step programs, including NA, Naranon, and Gamblers Anonymous, providing space for meetings.
We provide meeting space for neighborhood groups as well. We have hosted music lessons, counseling, an after-school program, and physical therapy. Downey Side, an adoption agency with a focus on placing older children with loving families, is currently located within our space, and several yoga and exercise classes meet in our building.
We are blessed to be able to host or have hosted several worshipping communities in our space on "God's Holy Hill," including St. Gregorios and St. Mary's, and Indian Orthodox congregations; ICCMW for Islamic prayer on Fridays; a charismatic congregation, and a small Latinx Congregation.
Through our Red Door Thrift Shop, we not only offer reasonably priced merchandise to the community and keep goods out of landfills, but we support a variety of organizations helping people in need near and far – from right here in Westchester County and throughout the Hudson Valley to the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.
In our world:
St. John’s responds to the needs of our brothers and sisters around the globe. We do an annual program to support the Diocese of Jerusalem and we give to our own diocese and Episcopal Church for causes like migration, creation care, and Episcopal Relief and Development, an aid agency. We are quick to take up a collection as need arises. Through our thrift shop, we have been able to distribute needed goods locally and overseas.
In our prayer life:
In addition to the work of our hands, we offer the work of our hearts as we pray. Each Sunday we pray for The Universal Church, its members, and its mission, the Nation and all in authority, all nations and all people in peril, the welfare of the world, the concerns of our communities, all those who are suffering from illness, persecution, disaster or isolation and for those in any trouble, the departed, and those who grieve.
If you’d like to help us with the work of prayer or if you’d like to be included in our prayers, come Sunday and add a name to our prayer list.
In our community:
We support #BLM Black Lives Matter, and advocate for the rights of our LGBTQIA+ friends, family and members. We respect and support our friends from other faith traditions including our Jewish and Muslim neighbors.
This year, St. John's had a booth at both the Yonkers Pride Festival and the Tuckahoe Pride Festival where we were able to share God's radical love with many who have not heard this message from the Christian community before.
Our Food Love Ministry supports the ECAP food pantry with an ongoing food collection. We provide toys at Christmas to families in need. We support Rural and Migrant Ministry and The Daughters of Sarah and their many programs for the families of New York State farm workers and other rural residents in need. And St. John’s is an advocate for the environment.
We have provided funding for various causes including a youth theater program, tornado victims, the God's Child Program, and a summer camp program, the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, Everytown for Gun Safety, Ukranians affected by war, and more.
We steward a Little Free Library where you can “take a book or leave a book” any time. Our library is located Bradford Boulevard, at the side of our Parish House building.
We support several 12-step programs, including NA, Naranon, and Gamblers Anonymous, providing space for meetings.
We provide meeting space for neighborhood groups as well. We have hosted music lessons, counseling, an after-school program, and physical therapy. Downey Side, an adoption agency with a focus on placing older children with loving families, is currently located within our space, and several yoga and exercise classes meet in our building.
We are blessed to be able to host or have hosted several worshipping communities in our space on "God's Holy Hill," including St. Gregorios and St. Mary's, and Indian Orthodox congregations; ICCMW for Islamic prayer on Fridays; a charismatic congregation, and a small Latinx Congregation.
Through our Red Door Thrift Shop, we not only offer reasonably priced merchandise to the community and keep goods out of landfills, but we support a variety of organizations helping people in need near and far – from right here in Westchester County and throughout the Hudson Valley to the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.
In our world:
St. John’s responds to the needs of our brothers and sisters around the globe. We do an annual program to support the Diocese of Jerusalem and we give to our own diocese and Episcopal Church for causes like migration, creation care, and Episcopal Relief and Development, an aid agency. We are quick to take up a collection as need arises. Through our thrift shop, we have been able to distribute needed goods locally and overseas.
In our prayer life:
In addition to the work of our hands, we offer the work of our hearts as we pray. Each Sunday we pray for The Universal Church, its members, and its mission, the Nation and all in authority, all nations and all people in peril, the welfare of the world, the concerns of our communities, all those who are suffering from illness, persecution, disaster or isolation and for those in any trouble, the departed, and those who grieve.
If you’d like to help us with the work of prayer or if you’d like to be included in our prayers, come Sunday and add a name to our prayer list.