Is there a Sunday School program for children or adults?
Contact us if you are interested in Sunday School or Nursery Care during our services, we are in the process of planning our programs for 2024.
Children are always welcome at all of our services. We believe that children are full members of the church and we love having them worship with us in the pews any time.
Children absorb the ethos and values of our faith by being present in the life of the church. Don’t worry if they are wiggly or fussy. The sounds of children are the sounds of life – we are grateful when we hear them. It's fine to bring little snacks and activities to keep them occupied. There are coloring pages and crayons and even a little table in the back for restless little ones.
BTW, children are welcome to partake in the Communion as soon as they are able to safely consume the wafer, we do not have the tradition of “First Communion." Speak to Rev. Stephen if you have any questions or concerns or would like to better understand the theology.
Christian Education forums for children and adults are held periodically either in person or on Zoom. Updates on Bible study, book clubs or other programs will be noted here.
Wednesdays at 10am is our time for adult education. currently, we offer Lectio Divina, a discussion of the scripture readings that will be used in the eucharist service that follows at 11am. Beginning Wednesday, February 21, we will have a Lenten Book Study featuring A Season for the Spirit by Martin Smith. (There will be no forum on Ash Wednesdsay, Feb. 14.)
All are encouraged to join our Wednesday offerings, whether or not you attend our Sunday services.
Contact us if you are interested in Sunday School or Nursery Care during our services, we are in the process of planning our programs for 2024.
Children are always welcome at all of our services. We believe that children are full members of the church and we love having them worship with us in the pews any time.
Children absorb the ethos and values of our faith by being present in the life of the church. Don’t worry if they are wiggly or fussy. The sounds of children are the sounds of life – we are grateful when we hear them. It's fine to bring little snacks and activities to keep them occupied. There are coloring pages and crayons and even a little table in the back for restless little ones.
BTW, children are welcome to partake in the Communion as soon as they are able to safely consume the wafer, we do not have the tradition of “First Communion." Speak to Rev. Stephen if you have any questions or concerns or would like to better understand the theology.
Christian Education forums for children and adults are held periodically either in person or on Zoom. Updates on Bible study, book clubs or other programs will be noted here.
Wednesdays at 10am is our time for adult education. currently, we offer Lectio Divina, a discussion of the scripture readings that will be used in the eucharist service that follows at 11am. Beginning Wednesday, February 21, we will have a Lenten Book Study featuring A Season for the Spirit by Martin Smith. (There will be no forum on Ash Wednesdsay, Feb. 14.)
All are encouraged to join our Wednesday offerings, whether or not you attend our Sunday services.